23 Sure Signs He is Desperate to Kiss You

If you have started dating a new guy you look forward to taking the next step. If you have been with him on 2-3 dates, the guy or even you may want to kiss each other. Kiss is a kind of confirmation of your feelings and a way to express your love. Sometimes it can be confusing for you girls to figure out if you are friends or the guy likes you. This confusion can be irritating and upsetting. You might be expecting him to kiss you on your next date. You are confused if he likes you or not. One of the sure ways to figure this out is if the guy wants to kiss you. You don’t need to ask that out directly. You will be able to see signs and tell if he wants to kiss you.

23 Sure Signs That Tell He Wants to Kiss You
Let’s have a look at some signs he wants to kiss you:

When he behaves in a flirtatious manner
Have you observed him staring at your lips? Have you caught him doing this often? This is a sign that he is fantasizing about kissing your lips. If he continues to gaze at your lips even after you notice him, he is trying to give you a hint. This might be his way of deliberately showing that he wants to kiss your lips. But many a time he might not even know that he’s doing it. His focus will keep going to your lips as he wishes to kiss them.
He compliments your lips/ mouth
If the guy suddenly starts complimenting your lips, it can be a sign that he wishes to kiss you. He might appreciate your lips saying that they are cute or pink. He might ask about the lipstick shade that you wear or about your lip balm. These compliments and comments on your lips are a sign that he likes you and intends to kiss you.

Eye contact
Looking into your eyes and gazing is completely different. If a guy gazes into your eyes without moving, it is a sign that he likes you and might take the next step of kissing you soon. Eyes are a reflection of one’s feelings and if a guy likes you, you would see that in his eyes. His eyes will reflect his desire.

Physical contact
If the guy wants to kiss you soon, he will try to make you both comfortable with physical touch in subtle ways. This is his way of breaking the ice so that a sudden kiss doesn’t surprise you. He might give you one-armed side hug, stroke your cheeks, or caress your arms. This way he will make you used to have physical contact with him before he gets further close to you.

If he is nervous
If he is always confident and normal around you but has suddenly become nervous and distracted, it can be a sign that he wants to kiss you. Chances are that he likes you but is not sure of his feelings. Or he might know about his feelings but scared of your reaction when he tries to kiss you. If he loses his confidence around you it is a sign that he likes you and wishes to kiss you.

He gets silent all of a sudden
The sudden silence just like being nervous is a sign that he wants to kiss you. It is a silence before the impending kiss. He might be busy thinking about how, where, and when he would make the move. He might think is this the right time to kiss. It can be tough to gather courage and show your feelings to a girl. He is silent because he is lost in these thoughts.

Softening of voice
Psychologists say that if a guy softens the tone of his voice while speaking to you, it is a sign that wants to kiss you. The whispering is a sign of passion and sensuousness. Speaking loudly can’t be sexy. If his tone softens while speaking it is a sign of attraction towards you and wants to kiss you.


These are some of the signs that he wants to kiss you. But, you can’t generalize as every guy is different. While some guys show subtle signs, others might get frustrated and directly tell that he wants to kiss you. You will have to wait and observe for some time. This will help you gauge what signs your guy shows and how he conveys his intentions of kissing you. Sometimes, kissing can be a guy’s way of letting you know that you are more than a friend.

Keep exploring this space for more content on love making tips in USA, romantic games for couples, Relationship Tips, Dating, best love quotes for love Syllabus and Couple Issues.


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